FAQ (Vinyl-Rating)

Vinyl rating (grading of the vinyl record condition)

The evaluation of our vinyl record condition orientates itself to the Goldmine Grading Standard. Our grading is sated with stars. In addition we make use of half stars, due to the fact that a vinyl record may not obviously correspond to the Goldmine evaluation and is in between respectively, or that a 2LP is in different conditions due to the two different vinyl records.

If you’re not satisfied with our grading rate after purchasing a product, we ask you kindly to contact is immediately and make use of your right of withdrawal.

5 Stars: refer to ‘Mint (M)’. It deals with new goods or the vinyl record has never been played before and has absolutely no signs of usage.

4,5 Stars: refer to ‘Near Mint (NM/M-)’. The vinyl record and its cover have no obvious usage appearances. There could possibly be no more than light fingerprints or scattered hairlines.

4 Stars: refer to ‘Very Good Plus (VG+)’. The vinyl record and its cover may have some slight wear marks. Hereby it can occur that the vinyl record has got some inaudible, light and superficial scratches. There can also be light bendings on the vinyl record or an easy label stain. The cover might have some bent corners, little cut-out holes, slight scratches or some stains.

3 Stars: refer to ‘Very Good (VG)’. The vinyl record might show several light or a few deep scratches. Some stickers or letterings can be in existence on top of the label. We recommend to purchase only those kind of products if you’re willing to take the risk that disturbing noises can be heard in some places.

2 Stars: refer to ‘Good Plus/Good (G+/G)’. The vinyl record has got several and frequently deep scratches. As a result you might hear disturbing noises in some places (crackles, clicks, swooshes). The cover is provided with stickers, letterings or cello tape, which coat the cover obviously. Furthermore it can have little flaws. We recommend to take a close look to the covers picture before purchasing this product and to pay attention to the article description. If you wish a complete unrestricted enjoyment in hearing your vinyl record we advise you against purchasing a product with this rating.

1 Star: refers to ‘Fair/Poor (F/P)’. It’s not possible to play through these vinyl records. There is a variety of deep scratches. The cover is full of big or deep flaws or it has suffered an obvious water damage. We recommend to take a close look to the covers picture before purchasing this product and to pay attention to the article description. If you wish a complete unrestricted enjoyment in hearing your vinyl record we advise you against purchasing a product with this rating.